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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Windows XP Shortcuts:

AtT+- (ALT+hyphen) -Displays the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) child windows system menu

AtT+Enter -View properties for the selected item

AtT+F4 - Close theactive item, or quit the acitve program

AtT+Spacebar - Display the system menu for the active window

AtT+Tab -Switch between open item

AtT+Underlined -Letter Display the corresponding menu

Backspace - view the floder  one level up in My computer or Windows Explorer

 Ctrl+A -sletct All

Ctrl+B -bold

Ctrl+C -Copy

Ctrl+I - Italics

Ctrl+O -Open an item

Ctrl+U -Underline

Ctrl+V -Paste


Ctrl+Z -Undo

Ctrl+F4 -Close the acitve document

Ctrl white dragging -copy selected item

Ctrl+Shift while dragging -Create dhortcut to selected item

Ctrl+Right Arrow - Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word

Ctrl+Left Arrow- Move the insertion point to the beginning of the Previous word

Ctrl+Down Arrow-Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph

Ctrl+Up Arrow-Move the insertion point to the beginning of the Previous Paragraph

Shift+Delete-Delete selected itme permanently without placing the item in the Recycke Bin

ESC -Cencel the current task

F1- Displays Help

F2 -Rename selected item

F4- Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer

F5- Refresh the active window

F6 - Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop

F10- Activate the menu bar in the active program

Shift+F10- Display the shortcut menu for the selected item

Ctrl+ESC-Display the Start menu

Shift+Ctrl+ESC - Launches Task Manager

Shift when you insert a CD -Prevent the CD form autpmatically playing

Win-Display or hide the Start menu

Win+Break -Display the System Properties dialog box

Win+D- Minimizes all Windows and shows the Desktop

Win+E- Open Windows Explorer

Win+F- search for afile or folder

Win+F+Ctrl- searh for computer

Win+L- lock the desktop

Win+M- Minimize or restore all Wimdows

Win+R- Open the Run dialog box

Win+Tab- Switch betwween Open items


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